Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2010

Well, the marathon idea sounded quite 'fun'. At that time I thought of challenging myself and perhaps doing a half-marathon would be a fun thing to do the next time around. Unfortunately, after a 28km walkathon in London left me with a 2-week bruised foot, I don't think I'll be joining another endurance activity anytime soon.

So I was told by aerobic-bodybuilding enthusiast CW Lim that he was able to take 1hr 45 minutes to complete a half marathon. Doing the math, I estimated that he would take up to 3hr 30minutes to complete a full run. I even deducted 10 minutes just incase he was exceptionally fast and fit.

Well I won't say how long he took, but I basically got there quite late, and had given up waiting. Fortunately I bumped into him along the way back to my car. At least he finished it before my stomach started growling. 

Weather was beautiful. It drizzled in the morning and then the scorching sun started to come out which I dreaded at that time. Ironically, as I write this post I am longing for the blue skies and sunlight to appear in this fantastic English weather. It was my first time witnessing a marathon. It was amazing and inspiring to see so many fellow Malaysians out and about, from all ages and walks life taking part in this endurance-breaking feat; including the many that are walking or leisurely strolling. 

A nice change to see people taking part in such events, which really helps to add colour and fun in one's life. Putting a break to the usual weekly routines and experiencing something different, especially with your loved ones.

 It is even more inspiring to see so people challenging themselves, supporting each other and going all the way pushing the limits of their endurance. To some extent, I was able to relate to their experiences, with the thought of stopping and resting persistently attacking your tired mind.

It is very much a test of one's mental endurance as much as one's physical abilities. Throughout the final leg of the marathon, many supporters kept cheering on the participants to not give up. It felt great seeing all the energy and vibe going around; moments like these make me proud to be a Malaysian.

 I must express my utmost respect to many of the seniors who were participating in the marathon. Despite their age, they were able to complete the run, regardless of how long it took. Their strength and determination really puts an unhealthy young runt like me to shame.

It was quite a worthwhile experience waking up early in the morning (7.00am) to come witness the marathon. Deep down, I hope that I am able to take part and successfully complete a run like this, in the (distant) future. Something to add to my bucket list.

And finally, the picture below of our champion! Feel free to guess his time (Hint: 4:30 - T - 5:30). Congratulations CW!


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