After getting a DSLR, I've been taking a lot of photos, about 8 gigs after about 7 months. I've never really uploaded my pictures, just a few occasionally on facebook when I'm harassed to do so. Considering it's the exam season, and I need a healthy stress outlet, I decided to work on this photoblog (after months of procrastination) during whatever leisure time I have.
Well, this is the first edition of the London.Photowalk series! Photowalk series are a bunch of random pictures of my extended period of time at a place; in this case London.Photowalk to me, means exactly as the words literally say; photography walks. Just me and the camera walking about.
I kinda like the name photowalk, and the idea for the name photowalk came from a blog I frequently follow, Was always fascinated by the photographs posted, and I wanted to share the same fascination I had. I also like the concept of how tells its photo news stories. I guess I'm trying to go for something similar to it.
The first five pictures of this photowalk is of Caffé Concerto at Regent's Street, London. Went here on an outing with 2 lovely ladies for some cakes and hot drinks.
Beautiful cosy place, with one of the most wicked hot chocolates I've ever had. Extremely chocolaty with the smooth rich taste. The taste is quite good surprisingly considering no sugar was added.
It was just early winter, and we would have short moments of sleet, especially at night. I'm currently staying at tower hamlets, one of the boroughs in London. Tower Hamlets is one of the designated boroughs which will be hosting the London 2012 Olympic Games. I hope I'm still in London when the Olympic Games are here.
Initially my housemates and I were quite worried to be moving in to this area. It was extremely dodgy looking, although not as bad as the Hackney area, which felt as though we would get robbed any moment. Must the the exaggeration from the media and so on.
But after living in this part of London for 7 months, thankfully it has been incident free. As long as you respect others and stay out of trouble, no trouble (or not much) will come your way. Really enjoying the place, as our neighbourhood has a Mega-huge Sainsbury's 3 minutes away.
Picture above taken at Primrose Hill. It was an outing to see a comet/meteorite, but the skies were empty except for the occasional air planes. Still, it was not a wasted experience, quite fun just hanging about in the freezing winds with my mates.
Well, I won't be doing a lot of commenting; so I'll drop you off here. I particularly like the last photo, it was displayed above a cinema. Enjoy!
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